31-12-2008........一向爱烂漫的欲龄姐打算在海中欢庆普天同庆的新年....她也打算与她的男友s(很多要放"S")一起去庆祝.他买了4张TITUNOC的船票.the ship's destination is HongKong.at that day three gentleman escorted her to the jetty to wait for the TITUNOC.after they wait for an hour,finally the ship come.as ar jac buy the first class sit so a lift is prepared for her.but ar jac wanna test those boy's意志 so she buy the store room for animal 1(also because it is cheap and big enough for three gentlemen).all boy tne!!!!!when reach the ship 3 boys begin their 泡妞行动.ops....i havent tell u who is the 3 gentlemen!they are......(where is drum rolling and cymbal***haizzz算了!!)kok hoong kooi,ching teik long and chow chee shoon.
1ST action!!
by KHK
hk wanna learn the titanic movie so he buy a expensive rantai for ar jac.....at the night,he bring ar jac to the ship's甲板.his hand has a rose and he pin the rose on ar jac hair........(ar jac 爽到!!)(我不禁有一朵玫瑰花插在牛粪上的感觉.........)after have a nice pendahuluan........hk continue to isi.......he quickly take the rantai keluar.when jac see the big diamond,she is barely able to breath........but she not statisfy with HK yet!!!!she think that althought HK is rich and romantic but he is not handsome enough for her(ar jac criteria=handsome caring romantic and reach)(我建议你去找化石)(酱的男人绝种啦)she throw the rantai in the sea!!!HK tne and 不甘心....he throw himself into sea to get back the rantai...finally he mati lemas.....
2ND action!!!
by CTL
tl also wanna learn titanic de movie.........he kiss ar jac and jemput jac to his room.(he prepare to draw her naked potrait)(变态hor)when she reach his room,TL jemput ar jac minum wine.......after TL discover she is mabuk,he quickly scrapt off his shirt....but...ar jac also watch titanic....seh know what will happened next.so she get her senjata sulit(暗器)-----------------------发钗...........she cucuk teik long like mesin jahit jahit baju.....and TL die.....
3rd action!!!
by CCS
cs more clever.......after TL hampir memperkosa ar jac.....CCS quickly come to rescue(其实他一直在偷窥.....因为打算看精彩片段....没想到.....ar jac so clever....so he change plan)he console ar jac and bring her to a car...............then they both do something like the titanic scene.....then a 手印appear at the car window.........finally ar jac 有了!!!!!!(好感啦!想到哪里去了...........)
the ending u know what liao la......like 安图升的童话故事,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ar seng